Saturday, June 18, 2011

Baby Blues from 6/18/2011

Baby Blues Cartoon for Jun/18/2011

Baby Blues is my other current favorite comic strip! I think Jerry Scott must have a scrapbooker in his life (he works on Zits too). My son liked this one. He and some of his friends from school had a group scrapbook project for History. Naturally, my son volunteered our place for the group to meet, my supplies for the group to use (I have a ton!), and me as a helper. Luckily, the Pre-K teacher at work had given me a humongous container of Animal Crackers. She had kept it as an extra snack but it had hardly been used this year (and no little hands grabbed from the container). So, by the end of the first teen/tween scrapbooking session, the Animal Crackers container had gone down to just a little over halfway and two pizzas had been consumed. They didn't eat nearly that much the second day but they were feeling the pressure of trying to get as much done as possible so they were working feverishly. They did a wonderful job and ended up getting a 100%! See, sometimes knowing how to scrapbook comes in handy. I did overhear one of my son's friends saying, "Wow, your mom's really good at this!" It made my day!Pin It

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