Saturday, February 6, 2010


I really like snow but I'm ready for it to stop falling now! Here's the view outside our front window.

Yes, it's a tree across our front lawn!  It fell at around 10pm last night.

That's a view looking at the house. We are so grateful that it did not fall ON the house. And yes, there are more large pine trees to the side of the house...all heavy with snow. I didn't sleep well last night. I kept thinking I heard noises of trees falling!

Here's my poor husband after sawing the branches that were leaning on the house and the ones blocking the front walk. I can't believe he's still smiling.

Here he is shoveling out the front walk. It's already been covered over since then. The forecasts don't call for an end to the snowfall until this evening. I hope you are safe and warm!Pin It

1 comment:

Karen said...

I'm so glad the house and your family are all safe! Great photos!

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