Thursday, January 1, 2015

One Little Word

Last night I signed up for Ali Edwards One Little Word workshop. If you haven't heard of the One Little Word concept, check Ali's blog or the link to her workshop, but basically, every January, she picks a word that she can focus and reflect on for that year. Ali is a big believer in the power of words. One of the things I love about her scrapbooking is the storytelling aspect of it and how she uses words to great effect. In one of her blog posts about it, Ali describes One Little Word as a way to think about what you want for yourself in the new year. I like it better than resolutions!

Although I've picked words for myself these past few years, I've never really done much with them.  I hadn't even thought about picking a word this year but I stumbled upon a post about it last night and a word just popped into my mind. Wouldn't you know it, that word just wouldn't I thought I should try it out. I decided to sign up for Ali's workshop to be a bit more purposeful about my word this year.

For me, much of this past year has been an exercise of just making it through the day. Not every day was like that of course and I'm grateful that nothing tragic happened. It's just life happening. Working more, having some medical things happen (which were basically little but big enough to require a good amount of time to pay attention to them) both to me and to members of my family and knowing that a number of life changing events will be happening soon.

This is not to say that I didn't try to do a little more than just make it through the day. But more than a couple of things/events/trips we planned on just weren't able to happen. A lot of the good stuff I had done for myself in the previous years (specifically starting to exercise regularly and eating better) took a backseat to survival mode. It didn't make me feel that great about myself but I knew better than to beat myself up about it.

I do feel like I did what I needed to take care of myself and I am in a good place now. I am excited about moving on and my One Little Word for 2015 seems like a no brainer after writing all of this: renew. It is definitely my time to renew.

 verb \ri-ˈnü, -ˈnyü\
: to make (something) new, fresh, or strong again
: to make (a promise, vow, etc.) again
: to begin (something) again especially with more force or enthusiasm

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THIS has been on my mind a lot in the last couple of days- and especially today! Reading your post affirms to me that there's a reason it's been on my mind and I'd better pay attention! Thanks for the info about Ali Edwards...I'll check it out!

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