Thursday, March 6, 2014

Eleven Years Ago

On Tuesday, even though schools had been closed due to the snow, my husband, of course, had to go in to work. He had left  before we were up and about.  As I was making my breakfast, he called. He started off with, "I am sooo sorry!" I said, "What? Are you okay? Did you skid into something?" He proceeded to tell me that he had stopped off at one of the offices he needs to go to in the morning (he often needs to go to more than one location in a day) and as he was trying to get back in his car, he noticed that he had locked his keys in his car! His key fob is designed to prevent you from locking your keys in the car normally but it needs new batteries, of course. Since he's so used to relying on that system, the key stayed in the car (just like me with the automatic lights on my car -- forgetting to turn them off if I need to use them manually during the daytime). Technology is great, except when it isn't!

So this meant that he could either waste time and money in calling a cab to bring him home to retrieve my copy of his car key or I could go help him. Even though we had dug my car out the previous day, it still took me a while to clean my car more thoroughly. Our little parking area was not plowed that well but it wasn't terrible either. The main roads were better but there were areas where I needed to be careful, particularly on turns. The roads were much emptier than they normally would be and since I didn't have to go into work, I had no problems or time constraints. As I was driving, I realized that it had been almost exactly 11 years ago to the day that I had to drive to give my husband a copy of his car key due to him locking himself out. It seems like just yesterday!

One difference between that time and this one is that I didn't have a GPS or smart cell phone with maps. I had to print off maps from the computer to make sure I knew how to get there even though it had been a place I had been to before. Also, this time it was much closer (didn't have to go into D.C. like last time) and I was very familiar with the route, but I did have a smart phone just in case. The most important difference was that I was very pregnant then! All I remember is being very grumpy and driving over lots of bumpy potholes and cobblestones. The reason why I remember this and what date it was, is that I went into labor that night!

This is a long story to say, it's my (not so) little girl's birthday and where in the world did the time go! How do eleven years just fly by?

It's not the best picture but here's a layout I love. It's of my daughter's first birthday. Just us at home celebrating together!

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